Saturday, January 30, 2010

Written Language Is As Natural As Spoken Language..

-This article discusses how research shows that spoken language was a natural process throughout evolution. Nevertheless, written language was never seen as a natural process but instead a phenomenon that began once human beings wanted to express themselves.

-The authors wrote about how others found evidence that contradicts the beliefs on writing. Some of these findings include tablets of ancient writing from ancient civilizations that lived in Mesopoltamia; these tablets were found in different parts of Mesopoltamia which showed that writing wasn't started within the Sumerian genius but instead amongst different civilizations living far away from each other. Also, Egyptation language which had been replaced by Arabic for many years had tablets of middle Egyptation that was started way before the improvements of middle Egypation as a spoken Language came about, and it continued as a written language years after it died as a spoken Language.

- The theory of micro-evolution says that Language emerged and evolved throughout the years and was important for survival. This theory also proves that writing is a seperate natural process from spoken language that evolved to. During the Egyptation hieroglyph era, tablets began to improve in sentence structure. These improvements did not go hand in hand with the spoken language at the time.