Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog7-in class blog

What I learned about writing is that there is proof that writing is a natural process. People didn't use writing just as a form of expressing their language. They even showed a seperation between certain styles of writing and language; even if a language evolved into something else the written language had either stayed the same or practiced completly different rules. I learned that people are influenced by others unconciously which can have an effect on the way they write. Concepts like "cultural stories" and values form people's out look on writing as being a "fun pass time" or "organized action". Lastly, writing can be defined by however it is used. If a group of people use writing to communicate then that is how they will define writing.

My philosophy of writing is that it is biological and influenced through cultural stories. People do feel the need to write. As we are growing up we scribble alot of symbols before we are taught how to form sentences. Why do we do that? Even people who have been kept from learning how to speak, when given a writing utensil scrible what ever they can. It is influenced because people form concepts of what writing is through opinion leaders, teachers, and "cultural stories".

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