Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog10- Writing Process

My writing process for my literacy narrative started off with me just discussing in class what we were going to write about. We spoke about different past experiences with writing in class. When I thought about the different experiences I had with writing as a child I kept a mental not in my head. Before I jotted down stories that I remebered I answered the questions that were given by Dr Chandler that could help us get an idea what we wanted to write our literacy narrative on. From those questions I crossed out alot of stories that I thought would be great for my paper and kept only about 2. I also came up with new things to put down in my paper when I answered those questions. Once I formulated the stories I was going to write down I wrote a little bit in my first draft. As the days went by I let the draft sit till I figured out what else I wanted to say. Finally when I finished my draft I read it over and took out certain things I felt was irrelavant to the literacy narrative theme. I'm still figuring what the theme is because Dr Chandler wrote a couple of suggestions on improving my literacy narrative that showed I needed a focus.

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