Monday, March 8, 2010

blog 14- draft writing process

During the writing process stage when I gather ideas I characterize my process as "mimicking". Once I gather up all the information of what is needed to be written for the assignment I ask others what they think they will be focusing on. If it is on a particular subject such as history I ask myself the question "what stuff would a historian add in this paper". "How can I make this resemble a true historical biography". If it takes further research to pull out better examples that I wouldn't be able to answer on my own I research on the internet. The style of writing is also important for me to copy. I feel confident if I know that I am following the protocol of what is expected in that particular paper. A great example of this would be when I get an assignment to write a fictional story. I look at other people's pieces on a fictional story and see what type of words they use to get an idea what a fictional story intales in order to be successful.
Once I am done gathering ideas through "mimicking" I start my prewriting process. During the prewriting process I become "fearful". My fear of not writing a good piece kicks in when I jot down a couple of words. I stop for 10 minutes in between a few sentences and question myself if it makes any sense. I think about other papers before that I got bad grades on and I think about the comments those teachers left on those papers. Those comments bring back the memories of how I felt when I received them. I felt embarrassed and angry so when I know there is a posibility for me to feel that way again I hold off on my writing. Fear can stop anyone from doing something in this case it always stops me from writing smoothly. A paper that is two pages long will take me 4 hours to finish when my fear kicks in.
During the process of creating a draft for a paper I become “energetic”. All my energy is put into getting everything I wanted to say in writing down. Since I waisted alot of time thinking about what I wanted to say in the prewriting alot of my creativity stays lurking in my unconcious. When I know I have to put something down that is when it becomes concious. It’s as if the deadline gave me the inspiriation to not stop writing and to be creative. My energy level during this time reminds me of the energy that comes out when I am at the gym. My first step before actually steping in the gym is telling myself that I need to go and work out. It takes me forever to finally tell myself “okay its time to go”! Once I get in my car and head to the gym and go through those doors the energy kicks in and I am working out every part in my body that I desired to work out. With my writing during the drafting process I work on every piece of idea that I wanted to add in my paper. Furthermore, the energy that arrives during the draft process helps me to avoid my insecurities with writing and to just keep saying what I wanted to say.
During the processs of writing my final paper I characterize this as my “relaxation process”. I used up all my energy during the last stage that I feel confident enough by this time to let what ever I wrote stay the way it is. It feels like coming back from the gym and not having anything left in you but just confidence that the work out you did will pay off. Even if I finish up what I wrote from the draft I don’t put alot of thought into it because I feel that all my thoughts were already brought out in my highest moment of energy.

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